Operational Management
Core management services are designed to enhance quality and improve efficiencies whilst balancing patient care with costs.
HMS has extensive hospital management expertise to manage the day-to-day operations of your hospital. We can also provide professional qualified key managers, or key management teams, to ensure the efficient, effective and financially sustainable operation of your healthcare facilities.
Typically HMS managers will work with local staff, transferring skills and knowledge such that they are able to take over from the HMS management team within a realistic and pragmatic time frame.
HMS involvement in the operational management of a facility provides particular comfort to investors and lenders, due to our extensive, valuable experience in the private sector in Southern Africa, the Middle East, East and West Africa.
Our Management Services include:
Overall day-to-day running, control, planning, and operation of the business activities of the hospital
Hospital board advisory services
Clinical advisory services
Vision and strategy planning
Business planning and operational budgeting
Skills development and transfer
Preparation for international hospital accreditation
Development of systems to enhance hospital operational efficiencies