Project Finance
Hospitals are heavily capital intensive and sourcing of appropriate investors is a complex process. HMS has a significant knowledge base within the hospital and healthcare market and has assisted developers in sourcing funder accreditation for multiple projects
HMS assists clients in sourcing of equity, principal and short term debt funding for greenfield & brownfield projects
Productivity & Performance
Productivity and performance concerns across an entire hospital or in selected areas should be addressed, and a comprehensive action plan developed to deal with problem areas and improve productivity & efficiencies.
HMS offers productivity consulting in line with international best practice and includes:
Analysis -
Thorough analysis and evaluation of the hospital operations for a specific area of operations
Benchmarking -
Findings are measured against researched benchmarks.
Consultation with Management -
HMS engages with Hospital Management to interrogate the findings
Recommendation Report –
This clearly identifies areas for improvement and includes:
- Processes to be streamlined and improved upon
- Evaluation of the people involved in the area and/or process
- Cost/benefit analysis of the implementation of the recommendations
- Implementation plan
Productivity and Performance projects are treated with confidentiality and sensitivity to the needs and anxieties of the people involved.
Functional Planning & Design
HMS’s approach to healthcare planning and design is operationally led and evidenced based, driven by its focus on people, functionality and site. These are the key considerations in the creation of an appropriate and therapeutic environment.
Equipping Services
The identification and supply of appropriate medical equipment is a complex operation. It involves liaison with architects, structural engineers, M & E consultants, clinical staff and the project management team.
HMS has many years’ experience in this field and can bring financial benefit to the project through its substantial purchasing power.
HMS is totally manufacturer independent, which ensures that the most appropriate, value-for-money equipment is selected. Medical equipment input is necessary from the earliest stage of design to ensure the facility provides the correct envelope and range of building services to satisfy the requirements of both basic and sophisticated equipment.